Monday, November 14, 2011

Discipline vs. Child Abuse

I have been following the Judge Adams so called "disruptive abuse tape" that his daughter Hilary posted on and I have to say; Manipulative. The problem I have with the video is 1) she set the video camera up because she states, "I could tell that something was going to happen..." 2) she held on to the tape all these years waiting for the right time to show somebody and 3) she sounds like she has been practicing what to say in order to keep her story straight to destroying her father.

After viewing the video and watching her appearances on shows like Dr. Phil and Anderson, I can truly say that this spoiled brat irritates me with her "Poor Little Old Me" syndrome. Her father, IN MY OPINION, was disciplining her because she was doing something she was not suppose to be doing. The belt can be painful but she seems like she exaggerated her reaction of being spanked. She smiles, she giggles, she's ridiculous.

Then on top of that, the mother and daughter then tag team against the father to really tarnish his disciplining. Judge Adams made a statement and I'm just paraphrasing that Hilary stated she would post the video after he told her he would stop providing for her Mercedes. To me, that's blackmail upon your father who is a Judge. Hilary is sad! She stated that she only wanted to show the video to a few people, a third party, to seek there opinion or objection. What a spoiled dork! She did not show it to a few people, she posted it on The mainstream of most videos to view by millions. In my OPINION, she's manipulative, spoiled, dramatic, a liar, and more that will destroy you no matter if you're family or not, to get what she wants.

I can truly say that my discipline by my parents would be viewed by others as abuse, but people these days even see a belt or a spanking on the back side as discipline. Our society which includes the Generation X is minimal to none on respect, adolescents walking around shouting and hollering obscenities in front of children and elders, and so much more to be listed. I was disciplined to know better. If I was to shout and holler in public like these other adolescents, my mother or father would smack the crap out of me in the grocery store. How then would people view it? "Kids these days". A smack I don't want, so I won't do.

I am against Child Abuse but I am not against Discipline. Child Abuse to me is putting such force on your young child or even teen or adult child out of enjoyment, frustration, control, and domination. Some might not understand what I mean by this or even "adult child?" but those who have lived through child abuse and somehow escaped it or grew out of it, would understand. Discipline on the other hand, is teaching your child, training your child the wrongs and rights of life, manners, and of course RESPECT. Is it just me or is there less respect being shown in the home and on the streets now a days?

Quick background about myself: I am from an Islander background where our people value
RESPECT and FAMILY. I can truly say that most Islander's are disciplined in ways that the public would look down upon but if you step into the household of an Islander such as Samoans and so forth, you will see that the family is family oriented, respectful, and well mannered. Our discipline, the world's view of abuse, comes in handy to our respectful life style and great humor. Oh and a bunch of great food. :)

I guess it is different on how you're raised and how you reflect your upbringing in life. But to blast your father disciplining you on and find excuses for your actions, is SAD. Hilary is a poor excuse for someone to even try to advocate for REAL CHILD ABUSE. She better thank whatever gods she referred to on Anderson that her father did not pound her with his fists or really lose it while hitting  her with the belt. It could have been worse. And thank God, it was not but that my dear, is not even close to that.

So there you have it... PoeTique Opinion...